Saturday, November 29, 2008

Task: Unit testing the Swing GUI

We created a Swing GUI in task 9, but did not unit test it. Going with the philosophy of test driven development, we should have first written unit tests for the GUI and then implemented it. Well we will bend the rules this one time and write the tests after creating the GUI.

Download FEST. This is a Swing unit testing library, that uses JUnit 4.0. Write unit tests for the GUI you created in task 9, using FEST.

Some Thoughts:
FEST depends on JUnit 4.0, which uses Java Annotations. If your Annotations knowl
Describe what you did, any problems that you may have faced and how you overcame them, in a blog post.

Describe what you did, any problems that you may have faced and how you overcame them, in a blog post.

Leave a comment here after completing this task.

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